Breakthrough Project

ITL ALICT alumni represent 114 countries and therefor serve in diverse contexts, facing a variety of challenges. To serve in Kingdom work poses many different challenges & offer many opportunities. We are called to serve as part of the Body of Christ and not alone. Alumni are committed to each other, have relationships, think holistically, and seek to serve & empower others.

What is the Breakthrough Team & Project?

Alumni, classmates or an Xteam get together online or in person. They pray together and then look for a project where they can help and serve. A project can be one of Alumni’s. The team can then apply for a grant.

Why Breakthrough Team & Project?


To facilitate the growth of Kingdom work, establish new Kingdom work or sustain existing effective Kingdom work of alumni.

To do so through alumni Breakthrough Teams (cohort or XTeam) and their relationship with the alumnus’s Kingdom work served running a Breakthrough Project.


  • To in relationship, attitude of service & humility and through action make Jesus seen in 3D.
  • To build relationships and share life together.
  • To learn and be more empowered;
  • To serve others and contribute to their empowerment.
  • To take learning into action / obedience.

Where do we start?


  1. Real relationship with God and others. Be present.
  2. Being humble, learners! Listen & ask. Doing it as a body! Pray.
  3. Time – investing, giving, spending time to connect and love, learn & discover, plan & serve to empower

Breakthrough Project Elements


Phase 1 – Discover & Discern – who?  |  Question & Answers – share  |   Prayer
Phase 2 – Discover & Discern – what?
Phase 3 Design what
Phase 4 Action – Do

  • Looking back at our time together what themes have we seen standing out in our conversations? 
  • What has happened in our lives? In the lives of the people we have interceded for?
  • What have we discovered about our gifts & strengths?
  • What is God busy doing in your/other Breakthrough team members contexts? What breaks His heart? In the news? In our daily life and relationships at home and work etc?
  • What excites you/him/her about the work of a team member, or do you see the passion in him/her? What makes your/him/her head and heart, and hands have energy? What has He given you/him/her that is precious and you/him/her must be a steward of?
  • Considering the context, you/him/her are in, the themes that have occurred, the gifts and resources He has entrusted you with, what is God calling you as a group to be part of? What stands out / surfaces as you look back and pray? It could be: 1. Who should you serve? 2. How? 3. What issue? 4. Anything else?
  • What else is out there that God has shown us but maybe we haven’t seen yet?

Considering your contexts, God’s intention for it and the strengths and weaknesses of the people in your Breakthrough team, ask God to guide you and help you discern.


  • What outcome does your friends work aim to achieve?
  • What outcome do you aim to achieve?
  • How can you serve and help empower for the to happen?
  • How are your contributions, only tools that help serve & empower? 
  • What are the necessary steps you need to take so you can accomplish what God is calling you to?
  • Who should be involved? From your group? Outside of your group?
  • What should be done by when? Who is responsible? What resources are needed?  Create a simple action plan.
    • List all tasks that need to be accomplished to complete the project
    • Write each task on a slip of paper
    • Put the tasks in the order they need to happen (some might be parallel)
    • Decide who is responsible for each and write the person’s name on the slip of paper
    • Add more tasks that come up
    • Decide when each tasks must be completed and write it on each slip
    • Identify what is needed for each task i.e. resources and write it on the back of each slip
    • Transfer it to the Action Plan
    • Remember to add Monitoring and reviewing activities 
  • Who needs to communicate with who so that the Breakthrough project can happen? Phone? Email? WhatsApp? Over a cup of coffee?
  • How often should people meet? The whole team? Only some members? Where should they meet? Who else should be involved?

3. DO

  • Have you continued praying? Is there something new God is revealing to you? More clarity on what He is busy doing in that person’s life? Are you sure you listened well?
  • Consider that you keep discovery & learning, so need to at times adapt/re-design during action (Do)


  • Is the project “done” and over? Does it lead to a next phase? What must still be done to “close” if the project is completed? Is it going to grow into something “bigger”? Is God calling the Breakthrough team to serve someone else? What do learn about Calling?
  • Learn:
    • What went well? 
    • What could have been done better?
    • What have we learnt from it?


It seeks to EMPOWER people:

  • It is based on prayer and discernment. 
  • It works to accomplish God’s intention for the people we serve incl. stewardship
  • It is relational, motivated by compassion and love. 
  • It is done with the people, not for them. 
  • It is mostly based on their gifts/ relationships/opportunity/experience & assets. 

It celebrates success, giving all glory to God for His mercies and blessings, for His guidance and hope, for opportunities and new beginning.