Coaching Supervision

This supervision will support and facilitate ongoing learning and impactful coaching for alumni using coaching on a daily or regular basis as a tool to empower and to bring transformation and it also facilitates real format and process for ongoing support and learning by participating alumni coaches. The coaches will be under the supervision of an ALICT facilitator, Reinhard Moors.

Topics addressed will range between different topics surfacing from coaches and beyond that are submitted.
The cases and questions will be provided a week before the online interaction. The submitted cases will be sent also to other peer coaches for them to read and reflect on them before the online interaction.

Duration: Once per month ( August – November)
Time Commitment: 4 Hrs Per Month (2.30hrs to submit your case and read through others cases & 1.30 hrs online interaction)
Online interaction: 8:00pm – 9:30 pm SA Time
Location: Via Zoom

Registration form: closed