
An X-Team is a coming together of alumni in a specific city, part of a city, or big town with Jesus at the center and therefore not any specific alumnus’ ministry or church taking ownership, but different alumni with their ministries and churches serving together in support of each other and to increase the impact of alumni’s work. Alumni journey in discipleship.

The X-Team Facilitator serves as a servant leader in each X-Team.

Current Xteams: Accra, Antananarivo, Nairobi, Rio de Jainero, Abidjan, Freetown, Yaounde, Dakar, Cotonou


Family XMeal[i]

A Family XMeal[i] is where a family shares a meal and fellowship, encouragement, care and celebration (laughter, prayer, food, challenges, joy and pain, stories) around a table and adds an empty chair as a symbol of:

Our remembrance of members of the family or other families and ITL families not present from around the world, those families we are called to journey with (the Great Commission – Matthew 28:16-20 & Commandment – Mark 12:28-34); those you serve together, and of those who are lost and still in need of God’s renewal & transformation, and our invisible but present Lord, King and Friend Jesus Christ.

[i] X refers to connecting (intentional crossing of our lives), to Christ, to each other and to those we are called to serve (kind of e.g. Mr X )

It is a time where everyone chooses to be present; away from any other distractions (like phones and TVs) and an intentional time where everyone would share, feel heard and feel they count. Over the meal, families are invited to be intentional in connecting and communicating, creating a platform where children and parents will have one conversation: maybe to appreciate one another; or express gratitude, or talk about dreams or fears; share challenges; laugh together, share about personal desires or just have fun and a good time.

A Family XMeal stimulates families to meet and create a relationship of support amongst each other at home or with extended families; to connect and reconnect; and celebrate the Kingdom values we carry as part of ITL family.

We invite you to transform your meal times and have an XMeal as part of your normal meal or a snack or drinks by meeting together in your family; to have fellowship and to share, encourage and care for each other.

Global Xmeal Gathering: May 2024

Get connected

  • Do you want to connect to alumni in your area?
  • Did you relocate and you do not know who are close to you? 

Let us know!